
About Traceability

With more than 32 years’ experience in the domestic and international cattle market, Plena Alimentos is absolutely committed to controlling the land and environmental regularity of its cattle suppliers and, for this reason, we adopt measures to guarantee the quality and conformity of all the animals purchased.

We work tirelessly to offer quality products, and we are committed to not purchasing cattle from areas of invasion of indigenous lands, areas embargoed by Ibama [Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources], ecological corridors and environmental preservation areas, areas of deforestation of native and illegal forests, as well as cattle ranchers on the slave-like labor blacklist.

We register all suppliers of cattle for slaughter using the National Rural Environmental Registration System (SICAR). We monitor all our cattle suppliers and only sell animals to farms that are 100% compliant with their sustainability policy when sourcing raw materials. We are advised by a consulting firm specialized in registering, analyzing and monitoring all our cattle purchases. We have a commitment signed with the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office of the state of Tocantins (MPF/TO) to guarantee the regularity and traceability of suppliers and animals.

In all our operations, we are committed to acquiring raw materials from suppliers that comply with Brazilian environmental legislation, and we are also committed to monitoring and safeguarding the correct execution of all the regulations listed in the Amazon Monitoring Protocol in all commercializations in Brazil. We are in the process of continuously searching for the best technologies available on the market to start the process of monitoring and tracking indirect cattle suppliers by the year 2025, so that all indirect suppliers, located in the Amazon biome, will be monitored by the year 2030.

All these actions qualify us to have export licenses for more than 50 countries, including the Chinese market, complying with all its protocols.

We continue to adapt our processes in line with legal, market and customer requirements, reaffirming our commitment as a company focused on sustainability from the time of confinement, production and transportation, so that there is no impact on the environment and no disrespect for animal welfare, providing sustainable development in all our businesses.



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